“Prémio Femina” is an awarded to outstanding Portuguese women from Portugal, Portuguese speaking countries and Lusophone communities who have distinguished themselves with professional, cultural and humanitarian merit in the world, for knowledge and for its relationship with other cultures.
In this year’s edition, ambassador Ana Martinho, currently secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and president of the national commission of Unesco, is awarded the Femina de Honor 2016 prize. The award will also be given to the painter Isabel Nunes, for “merit in the visual and visual arts”; to the doctor Maria João Quintela, by “merit in the sciences: scientific literature”; to the psychologist of Médecins Sans Frontières Maria Palha, for “relevant merits in professional excellence and which has contributed to the prestige of Portugal and Lusophony: acts of humanitarianism for the dignity and rights of the human being”; and also the journalist and Brazilian writer Nysse Arruda, for “the dissemination of Portuguese culture abroad and in Portuguese.”