Taking care of your mental and Emotional health during COVID-19
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is difficult for all of us, above all because an epidemic outbreak impacts on various dimensions of the lives of those who experience it. Economic and professional / routine dimension, social, spiritual and existential dimension and in the security and belonging dimension.
Fear, anxiety and worry about the illness can be overwhelming and provoke evan intense emotions that we don’t recognize in our selves and others around us. People react differently to adverse and stressful situations, so the emotional impact of an emergency in each one depends on many factors (characteristics and experiences of the person, the social and economic circumstances and the availability of local resources.
Common reactions during an infectious disease outbreak can include:
.Fear and concern for their own health status and that of their loved ones (who may have been exposed to COVID-19)
. Changes in sleep or eating patterns
. Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
. Worsening of chronic health problems
. Increased use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs
. People with pre-existing mental health problems should continue with their treatment plans during an emergency and monitor for new symptoms.
. Recognizing emotions, reactions and new biological rhythms helps you, your family and community to recover from a disaster.
. Joining family members, friends and other people in your community is usually helpfull and in this cases technology is with us.
. learning to take care of yourself and others and knowing when and how to seek help, is essential.
. These symptoms are normal to the situation, however, if you feel that these reactions interfere with the functionality of daily activities for many days in a row, ask for expert help.
Self Help Tips and when to seek for Professional help:
1. Avoid excessive exposure to COVID-19 media.
2. Take care of your body, healthy, balanced and rich in nutrients food. Introduce breathing, meditation and movement techniques, especially during quarantine.
3. Introduce healthy habits into the routine. Exercise regularly, bedtime and meals, avoid alcohol, drugs or tobacco consumption.
4.Reserve time for leisure and relaxation. Avoiding as much as possible to generalize “Forever”, or “Never again” This don´t suit to A situation, so remind yourself and yours that strong feelings will disappear and this is not going to stay like this forever.
5. Take breaks when watching, reading or listening to news. It can be disturbing to hear about the crisis and to see images over and over. Try to do some other activities that you enjoy to get back to your normal life.
6. Connect with other people. Share your concerns and how you feel with friends or family. Maintaining healthy relationships is possible and today we have technology on our side.
7. Maintain a sense of hope and positive thinking.
8. Avoid making final life decisions at this point,
9.Normally these reactions, symptoms and emotions tend to appease when the situation is balanced, however it is noticed that the emotional situation, worsens and that gradually stops working is time to ask for specialized help, psychological support (psychologist) at this moment can be quite useful .
Some examples that indicate that you may need for specialized help:
. Insomnia and intense anxiety state
. Inability to maintain a routine
.Difficulty in taking care of yourself (eating, hygiene..etc ..)
. Exacerbated isolation or conflict Hopeless and generalist thoughts
. Increased consumption of alcohol, tobacco and / or drugs -Self-medication
.Physical complaints, without physical causes.